Improve your AS/400 prints (iSeries – System i – IBM i) with graphics and logos…
If you have AS/400 prints (IBM i – iSeries) that you want to improve, or you have to migrate prints on typesetting modules to the laser print, use “Printing”, Validoc’s module for graphical printing on AS400. You can introduce lines, boxes, variable fonts, barcodes, logos, signatures and change parts of the text to make “quality” prints.
Two-dimensional barcodes allow you to automatically capture a large amount of data and their presence on printed documents is increasingly in demand by clients. If you want to add them to your AS/400 prints (IBM I – iSeries), use the Validoc module Barcode2D.
If you want to manage your AS/400 (IBM i – iSeries) prints on a PC in PDF format and save them in network folders, use “PDF”, Validoc’s module for the conversion of graphical prints to PDF. “PDF” automatically creates the tree of network folders where the PDFs are saved, generates a parametric name for the pdf document and also extracts the search keys for your document management software.
If you want to digitally sign the documents created from your AS/400 prints, for electronic storage or to send them to the Public Administration, use “Digital Sign”, Validoc’s module for the digital signature of documents produced by AS/400.
If you want to graphically sign the documents created from your AS/400 prints, for getting a PDF document with first level electronic signature without scanning, use “Sign”, Validoc’s module for the graphic signature of documents made from AS/400.
If you want to send your AS/400 prints, use “E-mail”, Validoc’s module that acquires shipping data in the AS/400 environment, divides the prints by client and sends the e-mail attaching the print in PDF, managing the e-mail’s text, the textual signature, the compression (ZIP) of the attachment, etc.
If you want to send your AS/400 prints via fax, use “FAX”, Validoc’s module that acquires shipping data in the AS/400 environment, divides the prints by client and ships managing cover page, sending log, scheduled time, etc.
If you want to send your AS/400 prints by traditional mail, use “POSTAL”, Validoc’s module that create lots of documents to be sent by traditional mail. The documents are grouped and sent to a company that prints, bags, franks and delivers to Poste Italiane.
…and extract the data in Excel/Access format…
Use your AS/400 prints as a source of data for PC processing by using “Extract”, Validoc’s module that extracts the AS/400 prints to elaborate them with Excel or other personal productivity software.
…or in XML format (PA and B2B)
Take advantage of your AS/400 prints as a source of data for making XML files. Use the already prepared formats for making electronic invoices B2B (private invoicing) or for the Public Administration. For the electronic invoices, you can also check our product “XMLFatt” (italian version), specifically created for this function.