The Validoc E-mail module allows you to automate the sending of AS/400 prints (iSeries – System i – IBM i) as email attachments.
There are many prints produced by the ERP on AS/400 that you might want to send via email to customers and suppliers: invoices, orders, DDT, etc.
The module works in conjunction with the PDF-Tiff module, capturing the prints converted into PDF or TIFF documents (but also TXT and CSV) and sending them via e-mail as attachments.

The module interfaces with the SMTP server of the internet service provider or with an internal SMTP server.
Validoc also supports the SSL functionality to provide compatibility with servers that require this protocol (PEC, Gmail, etc.).
It is possible to define the SMTP server dynamically to choose which emails to send in the traditional way and which ones to send via PEC (italian version) (e.g: to fulfill the obligations of Art. 62 D.L. 24 January 2012).
Email parameters (Sender, Recipient, Subject, …)
Mail addresses for recipients, addresses for carbon copy and forwarding are managed on the AS400 with acquisition mechanics similar to those for generating the names of the PC files of the PDF-TIFF module.
Similarly, the email subject, text, and text signature can be parameterized.
Attachments from a PC network
It is possible to attach additional PC area documents to the mail together with the AS/400 print. This function is useful where, in addition to the document from AS/400, you also want to send technical documents on PC servers (guarantees, data sheets, etc.).
Attachments can be added manually by users or automatically, by setting the path and name from AS/400 with dynamic mechanics.

Validoc also allows you to send multiple prints produced during the day with a single email. You can attach multiple individual PDF documents, a single PDF containing all documents, or a ZIP file containing all individual documents.
Read all the details in the documents down below
- Email presentation (italian version)
- Email brochure (italian version)
- Validoc presentation