Thank you! The version of Validoc, which you can download from here, is complete in all its functions. The manuals and tutorials provided, will allow you to try Validoc in total autonomy. To begin, I would need you to indicate, below, your name and your phone number. Full Name* Phone Number* Then I need the serial code of your AS/400 ( iseries/Ibm i ) to prepare the passwords that I will send you by email. If you don’t have this data at hand, you can leave it out and provide it later. Serial number Email* Then, if you still have some time, I ask you to fill in these last two fields. Company How did you find us? —Please choose an option—MagazinesInternetFaq400Search EngineWebsite IBMInternet AdvertisingOther I authorize personal data processing* (Privacy Policy) Information for uninstallation (italian version)