Become a Validoc dealer

Products>  AS/400 Graphic Print > Become a dealer

Record Informatica is highly interested in collaborating with software houses that operate in the AS/400 market.

The direct knowledge of their client’s problems and of territory in which they operate add value to the marketing negotiation, and allow for particularly functional installations to the full satisfaction of the final client.

The modalities with which Record Informatica manages the sales relationship are designed to provide the reseller with satisfying technical and marketing support and grant them a significant economic margin on the sale, allowing them to operate in a competitive and rewarding way.

Record Informatica is also open to collaborating with promoters, individuals that only want to commit to presenting us to a client that has operative problems that the app Validoc can solve.

Lastly, it is possible to activate some agreements with Record Informatica for the treatement of Validoc in the OEM mode.

In this way, it will be possible for the reseller to use of Validoc as a module of an own applicative with price and collocation policies separate from the ones of Record Informatica.

This formula appears particularly significant for software houses that produce management software (ERP) that lacks a proper module for the creation of “quality prints” or for companies that produce GED programs that, through this partnership, could present Validoc in their list as a component of their commercial proposal, useful where the computer or the management application is an AS400 system.